Microscope Museum

Collection of antique microscopes and other scientific instruments




A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A close-up of a sign

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated         A black text on a white background

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Radiguet (Paris, France)


A poster of an advertisement

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

A paper with text on it

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Radiguet (1899)***

appareils electriques

Radiguet (1902)***

appareils photographiques



A close-up of a book

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Radiguet & Massiot (1911)

Catalogue de radiologie





A white paper with black text

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A close-up of a newspaper

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A close-up of a book

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Leon & Jules Rainal Freres (1905)***

Medecine Appareils et materiels

Rainal Freres (1925)

Instruments de chirurgie

Rainal Freres (1934)

Catalogue general



A close-up of a book

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A cover of a book

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A black and white paper with text

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Reichert (1898)

 Mikroskope, microtome, haemometer

Reichert (1908)


Reichert (1920s)


Reichert (1932)

 Microscopes et appareils auxiliaires





A person in a white coat holding a microscope

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A black and white photo of a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

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A black and white photo of a device

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Reichert (1950s)


Reichert (1954)

 Neozet microscope

Reichert (1955)

 Biotherm microscope

Reichert (1955)






A close-up of a microscope

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A black and white cover with a black and white image of a microscope

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A person looking through a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

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Reichert (1955)

 MAK microscope

Reichert (1955)

 MAK stereomicroscopes

Reichert (1955)


Reichert (1955)

 Mikroskopier lampen





A close-up of a microscope

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A close-up of a machine

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A black and silver microscope

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A black and white microscope

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Reichert (1956)

 Biozet microscope

Reichert (1956)


Reichert (1956)

 RC microscope

Reichert (1956)

 RCP microscope





A yellow and black cover with a black and white background

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A close-up of a microscope

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A black and white poster with a circular object and a red and yellow sphere

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A cover of a book

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Reichert (1957)


Reichert (1959)

 Remiphot Belichtungsmesser

Reichert (1960)

 Zetopan polarising microscope

Reichert (1961)

 Phase Contrast Anoptral





A close-up of a microscope

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A black and white image of microscopes

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A close-up of hands

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Reichert (1962)

 Metatest microscope

Reichert (1963)

 Biozet microscope

Reichert (1964)


Reichert (1964)

 Neopan microscope





A paper with a drawing of a microscope

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A blue and white drawing of a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

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Reichert (1966)

 Gebrauchsanweisung Phasenkontrast Anoptralkontrast

Reichert (1967)

 Photo-automatic, service manual

Reichert (1967)


Reichert (1967)

 Visopan projection microscope





A close-up of a microscope

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A diagram of a microscope

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Close-up of a plant with a black hole

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

A white piece of paper with black text

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Reichert (1968)

Diapan Pol microscope

Reichert (1968)

 Neopan Gebrauchsanweisung

Reichert (1969)

 Fluorpan microscope

Reichert (1968)

 Auflicht Interferenzkontrast Gebrauchsanweisung





A red cover with a drawing of a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

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A close-up of a brochure

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A book cover with a drawing of a bug

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Reichert (1968)

 Neopan Gebrauchsanweisung

Reichert (1969)

 Fluoreszenz mikroskopie

Reichert (1969)

 Multisystem Kondensor

Reichert (1969)






A pink paper with holes in it

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A microscope on a yellow background

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A close-up of a microscope

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A close-up of a colorful pattern

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Reichert (1969)

 Zetopan microscope

Reichert (1969)

 MAK microscope

Reichert (1969)

 Metapan 2 microscope

Reichert (1970)

 Instruments for biology and medicine





A close-up of a microscope

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A blue cover with a drawing of a microscope

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A red cover with white text and a machine on it

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A cover of a book

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Reichert (1970s)

 Univar microscope

Reichert (1971)

 Metavert microscope

Reichert (1971)

 OmU3 ultramikrotom manual

Reichert (1971)

 Biovert microscope





A pink paper with white text

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A close-up of a microscope

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A close up of a paper

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A pink paper with white text

Description automatically generated

Reichert (1971)

 Zetopan microscope

Reichert (1972)

 Biopan microscope

Reichert (1972)

 Visopan microscope

Reichert (1972)

 Zetopan Pol microscope





A close-up of a book cover

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A painting of a couple of objects

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A person looking through a microscope

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A white and black cover with a microscope

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Reichert (1973)

 Fluoreszenz einrichtungen

Reichert (1973)

 Univar microscopes

Reichert (1974)

 MeF2 microscope

Reichert (1974)

 Univar met microscope





A close-up of a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

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A cover of a book

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A cover of a book

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Reichert (1975)

 Metavar microscope

Reichert (1975)

 Metavert microscope

Reichert (1975)

 Thermogerate microscope

Reichert (1975)

 Zetopan universal forschungsmikroskop





A close-up of a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

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A close-up of a machine

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Reichert (1976)

 Biovar microscope

Reichert (1976)

 Diavar 2 microscope

Reichert (1976)

 Neovar microscope

Reichert (1976)

 Photometer UnivaR





A close-up of a microscope

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A black screen with white text

Description automatically generated

A blue cover with a microscope

Description automatically generated

A close-up of a microscope

Description automatically generated

Reichert (1976)

 Zetopan microscope copy

Reichert (1976)

 Zetopan microscope

Reichert (1978)

 Polyvar microscope

Reichert (1981)

 Neovar 2C microscope





A close-up of a microscope

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A person looking through a microscope

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A close-up of a document

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A cover of a book

Description automatically generated

Reichert (1981)

 Neovar 2F microscope

Reichert (1982)

 Polyvar photomikroskop

Reichert (1985)

 Cycloptic Stereoscopic Microscopes Price List

Reichert (1985)

 Cycloptic stereoscopic microscopes





A book with a microscope

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A person looking through a microscope

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A book cover with a microscope

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Reichert (1985)

 Series 100 microscopes

Reichert (1985)

 Series 150 microscopes

Reichert (1985)

 Teaching microscopes 160

Reichert Jung (1988)

 Cycloptic stereoscopic microscopes





A close-up of a book

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Reynders John and Co (1889)

Surgical instruments



A close-up of a book

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Reynolds & Branson (1887)

Surgical instruments




A close-up of a book

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Gerard Richard (c. 1915)

Le microscopes et sus applications (excerpt)t






A paper with text on it

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Richards & Co (1910s)

Chemical and physical apparatus






A book with gold text

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A book cover with a drawing of a person holding a frog

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A cover of a book

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A black and white image of a person holding a shell

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Ritchie (1860)

Phylosophical instruments

ES Ritchie & Sons (1870)

Philosophical apparatus

ES Ritchie (1870s)


ES Ritchie & Sons (1878)

Physical instruments




A black and white advertisement for a microscope

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*Ross (1875)






A black and white advertisement

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P Rousseau (1888)***

Instruments de chimie et utensiles de laboratoire


A black and white advertisement for a weighing machine

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A close-up of a document

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A red book with gold text

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A Rueprecht (1904)

Balances et poids de precision

A Rueprecht (1911)

Pracisionswagen & Gewichte fur Wissenschaftliche

A Rueprecht (1911)

Pracisionswagen and Gewichte fur wissenschaftliche




A telescope on the moon

Description automatically generated

RVR Optical (1977)




* Catalogues adapted from the Little Imp Suite of Books and Catalogues on Microscopes and Microscopy (http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/Little-Imp/index.html), after authorisation was kindly conceded from the author Steve Gill. These files are for personal use only, must not be further distributed or hosted online elsewhere, and under no circumstances should they be offered for sale either singly or as compilations without the permission of the respective authors (their contacts can be found in the respective webpages above).

***Catalogue hosted at the Conservatoire Numérique des Arts et Métiers (Le CNUM – CNAM; https://cnum.cnam.fr/thematiques/fr/catalogue_general/cata_auteurs.php)